This paper presents the concrete durability inspection and test techniques having been applied during casting and service period of concrete girders at home and abroad. 介绍国内外混凝土梁在制造与使用过程中,对混凝土耐久性方面的检测技术。
This paper presents an approach for calculating the corrosion cracking durability period and reliability probability of concrete cover cracking. 提出了混凝土结构锈胀开裂耐久性的评估方法和寿命预测方法。
The durability directly affects the life expectancy of the cable-stayed bridge in running period. 耐久性问题直接影响斜拉桥的正常使用寿命。
In order to ensure safety and durability of long-span bridges, monitoring must be conducted in construction and operation period. 为保证大跨桥梁结构的安全性与耐久性,需要在施工及运营阶段对桥梁进行监测。
THE THEORETICAL PREDICTION OF CYCLING DURABILITY FOR THE HYDROGEN-STORAGE ELECTRODE(ⅰ) Application of Half-Life Period Method With Constant Voltage Terminal Point Discharging 贮氢材料电极循环寿命的定量预测(Ⅰ)&定终点电位放电半衰期法的应用
Durability is a common issue of modern concrete structures since it is a main reason for structure failure and the decease of period of life cycle. 耐久性是现代混凝土结构普遍存在的问题,也是混凝土结构提前失效,达不到预定使用年限的重要原因之一。
Therefore, we should pay greater attention to bridges 'the safety, reliability, durability and normal function in the operation period as well as focusing on building bridges. 我们在注重建设的同时,更应该对其营运期间的安全性、可靠性、耐久性和正常使用功能给予更大的关注和重视。